Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Problems with Internet Explorer? Steve Jobs and the Ipod on Saturday Night Live. Need more traffic for your site?

So for another tech section, I decided to help new webmasters who just need to get some hits so their site gets ranked in search engines.
There are several traffic exchange sites and below are some I suggest:


321 hits

Another important thing is to always have a back-up browser in case you have problems with Internet Explorer or Safari if you have a Mac. A very good alternative is Firefox:
<--See White Square Button on left for direct link

It's reliable, has hundreds if not thousands of add ons you can download to make your browsing experience richer and it's free.

And a great Saturday Night Live sketch about Steve Jobs and the Ipod. (thank you Dale for sending it to me).
Here (Quicktime, 3.4mb, so it might take a little while to appear)

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